
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Immediate Information

The New York Times has some fantastic visualizations, including this infographic "Is it better to Buy or Rent?"

This interactive calculator has a clear visual representation of the negative to positive return on investment movement, with the title summarizing the finding 'buying is better than renting after 6 years' within the values of the selected parameters.

More recently NYT have used a treemap to explore the data within the proposed United States 2012 Budget:
An increasingly popular visualization tool for displaying big data volume and movement within compact space, in this instance you are looking at $3.7 trillion USD.

update 18 Feb: There is a lot of opportunity to add value to this type of data set, for example New Zealand's Southgate labs have a tax calculator showing where your hard earned cash ends up. When government can provide real time data there is a lot of scope for new visualizations.